Showing posts with label dog training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog training. Show all posts

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Weimaraner Training Tips

The breed of Weimaraner can be traced to Germany and dates back to the 19th century. Weimaraner is essentially a combination of several different German hunting breeds that have been mixed to produce a balanced result. In the old German courts Weimaraners became popular because of their ability to provide a quality service and their capabilities of several things. The Weimaraner was also used to retrieve game birds. In addition, it was often used in helping to bring down big game animals.  They are considered to be rescue dogs within the United Kingdom and Germany.
Weimaraner  DogTraining

Like any other breed of dog, Weimaraner training is important. There are many Weimaraner training tips which you can follow to train your Weimaraner.
The basis of Weimaraner training tips is winning your Weimaraner’s trust, confidence, and respect.  The first Weimaraner training tip is for you to have fun with your training endeavors. Training your dog is an opportunity for you to get to know your dog and build a good relationship with your dog.
Another Weimaraner training tip is the importance of getting your pet’s respect, whether you are working with a twelve-week old puppy or twelve-year-old dog. So firmness in training is important but this does not mean that you will be using rough and dangerous handling methods to get control. It only means that you are letting your dog know that you are the one who is in control.
 Another Weimaraner training tip is making sure that you really want to do the training. You must lay down the rules and boundaries for your dog because if your pet is not clear with what you want, confusion will arise. This can be very frustrating for you and your dog as well.
Another Weimaraner training tip is to begin the training sessions with the most basic commands. You must focus the training on the most basic ones. Begin by putting your dog in a properly fitted training collar.
In training your pet, it is important that your pet is being rewarded for good behaviors and not rewarded for others. Positive reinforcement will result in a well behaved grown dog which is a valued member of both the family and even the community at large.
By following these Weimaraner training tips, soon you will realize that you have a good Weimaraner. You will also see that you have a good relationship with your dog.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

How to Stop a Dog from Whining -Dog Training

A dog may exhibit many different behavior problems, one of which is dog whining. In order to know what approach to use to stop dog whining behavior, it is necessary to know the reasons or causes for why the dog whines in the first place. Thus, when you know the reason of its whining then you can take a step to stop your dog from whining
There are many reasons why dog whines. Your dog can be hurt, bored, or scared and that’s why it whines.
How to stop dog whining when your dog is bored?
Most of the time when your dog whines it is due to loneliness or boredom – it whines in order to get your attention. If you have trained your dog at an early age to be alone then it will not be a problem. You can stop dog whining by way of a trick; play with your dog for a short time and then leave your dog in a place where it cannot see you and see how it reacts. The idea of this is for your dog to get used to the concept of being alone.
Another way is by giving your dog toys to play with or treats. Also, take the time to play with your dog; take your dog to the park, or have a tug of war game. You will notice that it will put a stop to the whining.
It is important that you must remain consistent with the procedure and pretty soon you will stop the dog whining problem of your pet.
How to stop dog whining when your dog is scared-with dog training?
Your dog might get scared when you are away to another place and your dog might begin to feel uncomfortable with this. Your dog might be scared of being alone in your house. One way to stop a dog from whining is by putting sound devices into your home which do not cost that much and they do not hurt the dog. You can also put on some soothing music if you are not at home, or simply allow your dog to be in a peaceful room.
Dogs whine for many reasons, but of course, like any problem, it can be treated with different responses. To stop dog whining, you have to know first what your dog is trying to tell you; then afterward, you can take the needed steps to stop dog whining behavior.
Make sure to take your dog to the veterinarian immediately if you are not able to figure out what is causing your dog to whine.
The Dog Solution

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Dog Training-Stop dog from Licking

Some owners consider dog licking as a sign of affection and love from their dog, especially when their dogs are still young. But once the dog gets older and bigger dog licking behavior could become irritating. It is also irritating to see your dog licking itself all the time.
Dog Training-Stop Licking
How to stop dog licking behavior?
There are training methods to teach your dog to stop licking people or themselves. If your dog licks its paws after it eats, then it might have an allergy to the food it has eaten. In order to avoid this, change the food ingredients.
Licking herself for emotional comfort is one of many bad dog habits an anxious canine can develop. It can take some detective work to figure out the cause of her anxiety. Is she left alone every day for long hours? Does she have dog separation anxiety?
The Dog Solution
If she won’t stop licking due to anxiety, it can develop into an obsessive-compulsive behavior very quickly, so it’s important to determine what is causing the problem. She may just need more attention from you.
Your dog will also lick itself out of distress that can be caused by flea allergies. In order to stop a dog from licking, you must take your dog to the vet to rule out any medical conditions.
When the dog is an excessive licker to you or other individuals, you must address this behavior immediately. One way is for dog owners to train the dog when it is still a puppy. If you allow your dog to lick you, then the dog will understand that licking people is acceptable behavior. But if you give positive reinforcement in dog licking behavior, then your pet will understand that dog licking behavior is not acceptable. Consistency is the key to stop the dog's licking behavior of your pet.
Training a dog to stop the licking behavior takes a lot of patience and repetitive training.
Pet Vitamins
The most important word you will need to teach your puppy or dog to understand is, “No!” Your dog probably started licking people all of the time when he was young and he believes it’s appropriate behavior. It now has turned into a bad habit, but your dog doesn’t know why.

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Weimaraner Training Tips

The br eed of Weimaraner can be traced to Germany and dates back to the 19th centur y. Weimaraner is essentially a combination of several di...