Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Amazing Facts About Animal Reiki

Reiki (ray-key) is a Japanese technique of relaxation, meditation, and healing. It is used to relieve stress and improve overall health and well-being. It works to restore balance to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual self. Because it supports balance on the most fundamental levels, it can do no harm and always goes to where it is needed the most.

Reiki Treatment for animals is either offered in-person or distantly with the animal’s comfort level always ensured.

Animals are much more in tune with the universe’s energy and already know what Reiki is. In our world, animals are generally told what to do. With Reiki, they are in control of what they receive, how they receive it, and how much or how little they desire. With this in mind, their permission is always asked first before treatment is offered.

In-person treatments are best offered where the animal lives. This results in a much more successful treatment as animals tend to be more relaxed and comfortable in their own environment.  Some animals may enjoy hands-on treatment where others may prefer being a few feet away. It is their preference and is always respected.

 With surgery or medical situations, in-person treatments are also offered at the client's veterinary office with prior permission from the attending veterinarian.

Distant treatments are very effective and can be preferable in some situations. It allows those that live far away, are fearful of strangers, the fragile, old, or close to death to relax and receive Reiki. It can greatly help ease the transition to death. Alternating distant treatments with in-person treatments can be very cost and time-effective for people with busy schedules. Distant Reiki can be quick to schedule in emergency situations and help provide the needed healing between in-person treatments.

Reiki is a holistic treatment and not any substitute of medical care. For any health issue of your pet please consult veterinary doctors.  Reiki is to apply along with proper medical guidance

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