Thursday, June 18, 2020

How to Stop a Dog from Whining -Dog Training

A dog may exhibit many different behavior problems, one of which is dog whining. In order to know what approach to use to stop dog whining behavior, it is necessary to know the reasons or causes for why the dog whines in the first place. Thus, when you know the reason of its whining then you can take a step to stop your dog from whining
There are many reasons why dog whines. Your dog can be hurt, bored, or scared and that’s why it whines.
How to stop dog whining when your dog is bored?
Most of the time when your dog whines it is due to loneliness or boredom – it whines in order to get your attention. If you have trained your dog at an early age to be alone then it will not be a problem. You can stop dog whining by way of a trick; play with your dog for a short time and then leave your dog in a place where it cannot see you and see how it reacts. The idea of this is for your dog to get used to the concept of being alone.
Another way is by giving your dog toys to play with or treats. Also, take the time to play with your dog; take your dog to the park, or have a tug of war game. You will notice that it will put a stop to the whining.
It is important that you must remain consistent with the procedure and pretty soon you will stop the dog whining problem of your pet.
How to stop dog whining when your dog is scared-with dog training?
Your dog might get scared when you are away to another place and your dog might begin to feel uncomfortable with this. Your dog might be scared of being alone in your house. One way to stop a dog from whining is by putting sound devices into your home which do not cost that much and they do not hurt the dog. You can also put on some soothing music if you are not at home, or simply allow your dog to be in a peaceful room.
Dogs whine for many reasons, but of course, like any problem, it can be treated with different responses. To stop dog whining, you have to know first what your dog is trying to tell you; then afterward, you can take the needed steps to stop dog whining behavior.
Make sure to take your dog to the veterinarian immediately if you are not able to figure out what is causing your dog to whine.
The Dog Solution

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