Wednesday, June 10, 2020

How to Effectively Stop German Shepherd Aggression

German Shepherds were bred to be good guardians and they have a very strong protective instinct. Aggression is a natural impulse of the German Shepherd. If your German Shepherd is not properly trained then this will be a problem for you and even for your dog as well.
Proper training is needed in order to make your dog an effective companion and so that your dog will not be aggressive towards people, other members of the household, and towards other dogs too. There are many different ways to stop German Shepherd aggression.
Lunging, barking, snapping, growling, biting, and fighting with other dogs are the most common manifestations of German Shepherd aggression.
How to stop German Shepherd aggression?
It is important that you train your German Shepherd at an early age because it would take a lot of effort on your part to start training your German Shepherd when already grown up.
In order to stop German Shepherd aggression, your dog needs to recognize that you are the alpha dog. Thus, your dog will not be resistant when you train it.
In training to stop German Shepherd aggression, you must not use abuse or corporal punishments because this will only escalate the negative behavior. You must be firm but gentle.
You must reward your dog during training when it shows good behavior. Reward your dog with praise, pats, or a portion of a food treat. This is what you call positive reinforcement training. Dogs like German Shepherds will likely respond to positive reinforcement, whereas harsh corrections result in your dog being unable to learn.
It is mandatory for the German Shepherd breed to socialize. Since the German Shepherd is a guarding breed, they need to socialize because the lack of such action will result in aggression. Also, make sure that your German Shepherd gets enough exercise because a lack of exercise is also one of the causes of aggressive behavior in dogs. Since German Shepherds are a very active kind of dog it needs a lot of vigorous exercises. You can take your dog jogging, walking, hiking, and out to play. It is important that your German Shepherd is kept on a leash in public places to avoid causing harm to other individuals and even to your dog.
In order to stop German Shepherd aggression, you can also enroll your pet into obedience classes for aggressive dogs. There are qualified and experienced trainers who can help you stop German Shepherd aggression.
It is important for you as a dog owner to make sure that your pet is getting what it needs.
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Transform Your Dog Into A More Obedient, Healthier & Happier Pup... Plus, You'll Discover 39 Amazing Dog Hacks That Will Save You Time, Money & Hours Of Frustration 

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